Home > Chapter 1

Chapter 1

April 15th, 2007 at 11:35 pm

Once upon a time, in a land not so far away, there was a Merry Maid and a Dashing Knight. They had lived in the Land of Consumerism and were making the pilgrimage to the Land of LivingRight. Yon couple wished to marry. It was about time as the maid was a spinster of 37. But the dashing knight was a strapping male of 33 -- much to the maid's delight!

Ah, but the pair were not without goals. The two were desirous of massacring (a bloodthirsty lot) their combined 4-horse drawn carriage debt (June 2007 = $14,000) and debt owing to yon shopkeepers (June 2007=$4400) as much as possible before the blessed event, which is to occur in the year of our Lord, 2008, January.

Not being of the nobility, the couple could only dream of being given such gifts as:

1. monies with which to pay for a wedding, ring, and honeymoon;
2. monies with which to attend Merry Maid's sister's wedding in Vegas (a strange and foreign land not hitherto visited);
3. monies equaling one month's expenses (in case the village is sacked by the band of Destroyers of LivingRight. Their leader, Lord Temptation, has personally attacked our lovers numerous times in the past);
4. a large keep known as Le Condo of Houston;
5. a graduate school education (tis better to be the lord and master); and
6. monies with which to pay more strapping young men to load up and unload the crap -- err, household goods each has collected over the long years of loneliness, borne of the lovers not having yet met each other.

Thus begins the tale of our young lovers' quest to attain these laudable goals by the day of their union.

10 Responses to “Chapter 1”

  1. Ima saver Says:

    Welcome and good luck!

  2. merry maid Says:

    Many thanks!

  3. JanH Says:

    Welcome, welcome!

  4. HouseHopeful Says:

    I really liked your story! Very creative. I think you have some great goals. Good luck!

  5. merry maid Says:

    Thank you!

  6. boomeyers Says:

    Best of luck to you! 18,000 in 8 to 9 months! I can't wait to see how you do it! (Which of course you will!)

  7. nance Says:

    Well done. A breath of fresh air!

  8. laceshawl Says:

    I love a good romance. Look forward to the rest of the story.

  9. debtfreeme Says:

    this is really good,!

  10. annab Says:

    I love your blog!

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